
Lateral Water Hazard Question?

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On my home course we have a pond that borders the 1st and 9th holes.

The water level is much higher due to heavier rainfall all spring and summer. These holes have red stakes along the pond, but the water has risen at least three fett past the stakes.

If your ball lands in the water but also inside of the stakes - is that considered standing water with a free drop?

Seems like the course would just move the stakes to the new, higher level. But until they do - what is the correct ruling? This has happened two weeks in a row in my league.




  1. Wow!  you play a game and have no clue what the rules are.....Why in the world would you have the stakes moved?  Its casual water!  Take the drop....(It is to your advantage   ie: No penalty)   or hit a better shot that does not end up in the casual water area.....really pretty simple

  2. Ask a special ruling from the league and have every one follow it in the future.

    Contact course manager and have the markers moved, on emergency bases,(not recommended if the tournament is already in progress), see what the thoughts are on this idea.

  3. vrdive is right.

    But you don't want the course to move the stakes.

    If your ball is inside the stakes, it's a one-stroke penalty to lift and drop. If your ball is outside the stakes, it's casual water with a free drop. See Decision 25/2 (link below).

    You definitely want the free drop.

    You might want to bring this to the attention of the league secretary so everybody plays it the same way.

  4. The boundaries of the hazard itself is determined by the position of the stakes, not the water.  If your ball is inside the stakes, it is in the hazard, whether it is wet or not.  The rules apply: you can play the shot, but you cannot ground the club, or take a practice swing in while inside the hazard.

    Conversely, if your ball is in the water, but outside the stakes, it is not in the hazard and the causal water rule applies.  Free drop to nearest point of relief, no closer to the hole.

  5. it is considered casual water and you may take a drop with no penalty.UNLESS your ball is in the stakes...then it is in the hazard...that has happened to me a lot and i asked my golf instructor about it and he said casual water so There You Go !!

    HOPE THIS HELPED !!!   :)

  6. The hazard line is where the red stakes are, not necessarily where the water line is.  In this case water built up outside the hazard line should be considered "casual water", and you get relief from it, no closer to the hole, no penalty.

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