
Latest on Mayweather v Pacquiao

by Gareth's sporting insight  |  10 years, 9 month(s) ago

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As we approach day 700 of Floyd Mayweather v Manny Pacquiao speculation, news reaches us that the fight may be closer than ever and Pacquiao is about to call Mayweather’s bluff.

Read full story here:


Gareth's sporting insight QUESTIONS
  • Mayweather v Pacquiao the latest
    It seems like it has been going on for all eternity but it seems negotiations are moving on in the perspective figh...
    Category: Boxing | Posted: 10 years, 9 month(s) ago
  • Hatton V Khan or Mayweather v Pacquiao
    Could either fight happen this year? It’s possible both could, although the Mayweather/Pacquiao match-up is the mor...
    Posted: 11 years ago
  • Floyd Mayweather v Manny Pacquiao
    Luke Skywalker had Darth Vader, Flash Gordon had Ming the Merciless even Audley Harrison had Danny Williams. Ev...
    Category: Boxing | Posted: 10 years, 10 month(s) ago
  • Pacquiao v Mayweather back on?
    It’s been on and off more times than Audley Harrison’s retirement plans, but Manny Pacquiao has given his clearest...
    Category: Boxing | Posted: 10 years, 10 month(s) ago
  • Mayweather, Pacquiao and dream fights
    There’s still a high chance that the Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather may not happen; it wouldn’t d be the first...
    Category: Boxing | Posted: 10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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