
Latest polls: SARAH PALIN gave BUMP to McCAIN; BIDEN gave HUMP to BHO?

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The lovely Sarah Palin's selection as VP helped solidify the Republicans in contrast to the Biden choice of the Arabic-named (according to Pastor Wright) Democrat nominee.

And surely the Republican VP has already touched many hearts in her articulateness and eloquence - NO TELEPROMPTER NEEDED - and proving her worth as a rightful VP selection.

Storm PALIN coming over to destroy the Democrats!!!




  1. Actually Obama is now up 6 points on the gallup tracking poll


  2. This must be an attempt of a joke

  3. If you make me mentally picture Biden humping Obama again I am going ot pinch you until you cry >.<!!!!!!!

    Make it stop!

  4. Try

  5. 1st off, she's ugly, not lovely.

    2nd she's a moron - she believes in creationism

    3rd she's a lunatic - she's under investigation for abuse of power in her home state

    Lastly, she did NOT help McCain, McCain is just desperate.

  6. different polls say different things. I haven't been questioned for any polls.

    I heard on CNN that Obama only got a 1 or 2 point bump from their convention

  7. I want anybody that is so conveluded, to think, that Women are so dumb that because mcsame chose a woman that all the women of this nation are just going to fall in line and vote for him. Please sir please vote for mcsame I dont want you to have anything to do with this contry's repair. I do not want you to think you did anything for it. Ask youself this question. Do you think Palin would be a Good President because there is a HUGE chance Mcsame is going to be Mcdead from old man disease

  8. Palin does nothing for McCain

  9. Is Palin qualified to be president?

    Fifty percent say she's not qualified to assume the presidency if that becomes necessary; 45 percent say she is qualified.

    In recent history, the only running mate to earn less confidence from the public was Vice President Dan Quayle in 1992.

  10. Very subtle way of drawing attention to Obama's middle name - which is perfectly fine by the way.

    People that vote in those polls are returning voters. Remember that.

  11. Sure. Then maybe people should know that her new baby is really her 16 yr old daughters!

    look it up.

  12. I do not know about Palin coming over to destroy the Democrats.

    You forget, half of us Democrats do not want Obama either.

    Many of us Hillary supporters are supporting McCain over Obama, .... Palin is just the icing on the cake, and we are very happy that, unlike Obama, McCain really would put CHANGE on his ticket.

  13. The Gallup daily tracking gives Obama a 6 point lead. As long as he wins, it does not matter by how much!!!

  14. No Obama, No way, No how.

  15. I don't know what polls you are looking at. Andrew Sullivan has some interesting comments re the recent Rasmussen poll: Palin's selection has made undecideds more likely to vote for Obama. BTW Sullivan is a Republican (and a Ron Paul supporter in the primaries).

    It is not going over all that well with the Hillary crowd, either. For one thing, Palin is on record calling Hillary a "whiner". Yeah, they will love that.

    It IS going over extremely well with the evangelicals, though.  


    Look at this beautiful family on McCain's Daughter's Blog.

    National CNN Obama 49, McCain 48 Obama  +1

    It looks like you are right.

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