
Latin To English Translation?

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I have 10 latin sentences and i would like to know what they mean:

1. Patruus pecuniam pueris dat.

2. Ancilla invita cauponi scelesto cibum tradit.

3. Omnia patri meo semper dico.

4. Nihil legato principis dixit.

5. Cornelius epistulam ad Titum misit et omnia ei explicavit.

6. Marcus, "Tace, Sexte!" inquit. "Nobis non licet hic clamare."

7. In somnis Aulus amico Septimo apparuit.

8. Dum Cornelii urbi appropinquabant, Titus omnia eis parabat.

9. Apollodorus Corneliis cubicula monstrat.

10. Servi alium lectum Aurelia paraverunt.




  1. 1) the father gives money to (his) children

    2) I don't know how to translate ancilla in English... Maybe servant? mmm...

    3) I always tell everything to my father

    4) He (I think it's the subject?) didn't tell anything to the prince's ambassador

    5) Cornelius sent a letter to Titus and explained everthing to him

    6) Marcus says (maybe said, not sure) "Be quiet, (I didn't find sexte...)" "it's not licit to talk to us here" (I think)

    7) While sleeping the friend Aulus appeared at Septimus

    8) While they were reaching Cornelius' city, Titus ... I don't know how to continue sorry

    9) Apollodorus showed the room to Cornelius.

    10) Slaves prepared another bed for Aurelia (not sure)

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