
Latinos can you tell me why my dad wants to be Mexican?

by  |  earlier

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I am 14. I don't have a lot of information about my father, I've only met him a few times, but he emails me every once in a while. My father is white, he just sent me an email saying "I'm kind of a Mexican wannabee these days." Now my question is: wtf!? Why would he want to be a Mexican, and why would he tell me this. I'm wondering if some Latinos can tell me what is good about being a Mexican, what reasons would someone have for wanting to be a Mexican? I'm just trying to understand my father better here, and if I ask HIM he will just say some stupid thing like "daly is a very Irish last name."




  1. Ummm...

    Being Mexican is the same as anything else.   Nothing special in particular.

  2. You're approaching this in the wrong way. It's not about Latinos and what's 'good about being a Mexican'; it's about what your dad thinks and sees in the culture. This sounds overtly simple, but it is actually just this simple: ask your dad. Perhaps he is joking around. Perhaps he is spending time with Mexican friends and has come to really enjoy the culture. Perhaps he was drunk when he wrote that to you. Who knows? (That was a rhetorical question but nonetheless: only your dad can truly answer this for you.)

  3. I m not Latino, but I'll bet your dad has the hots for Latino/Mexican women.

  4. LOL, well it sounds like to me that your dad is trying to be funny. He does not sound like a real serious guy. Mexicans tend to be real family oriented and close like my family is. Just don't trip of your text sending daddy and please don't try and understand him. He sounds very immature. Good luck.

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