
Latitudinal & longitudinal extent of india is same, distance in N-S direction is far more than E-W dirn?why?

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latitudinal extent is 8deg4min north-37deg6min north (difference=29 deg approx)

longitudinal extent is 68deg7min east-97deg25min east (difference=29 deg approx)

stretch in N-S direction =3214 km

stretch in E-W direction = 2933 km

difference of 281 km (more than 2.5 degrees difference)




  1. lines of latitude are parallels that are equally spaced,

    Lines of Longitude are not parallel, they converge at the poles.  As you travel north or south of the equator, the converging lines of longitude get closer together.  The only place were degrees of Longitude equate to the same surface distance as degrees of latitude is at the equator.

  2. 1 degree = 60 naut. miles if it is between 2 latitude line or two longitude lines-at-equator.

    1 degree = 60 (cos [lat]) between 2 longitudes at any latitude away from equator.

    India's E-W spread is roughly on Tropic of Cancer(23.45d).

    Indi'a Westernmost point is in Cutch (at 24d N)

    1 degree = 60 X 0.9235 = 54.8 naut. miles.

    This correction leads to the disparity giving your figures.

    Also the latitude extremities (N-S) don't lie along the same longitude. The same is true for longitude extremities.

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