
Laughing at ordinary things , can it be considered as kind of madness ,or is it a permanent spiritual disorder

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Laughing at ordinary things , can it be considered as kind of madness ,or is it a permanent spiritual disorder




  1. how about not thinking too much in depth about should laugh more often!  : )

  2. Yes it is. It is said EPILIPSIA.

  3. Both and yet not enough.

    It takes a rare mind to truly appreciate the absurdity of life!

  4. There are so many ironic and funny things that go on right under our noses. Life is humourous and plays tricks on us.  Laughing at ordinary things is both normal and madness. Sometimes a little madness helps restore our sanity.  Have you heard the expression if I didn't laugh I would be crying?

    That is the truth.  Spirits cannot be in disorder.  People can.

    Don't believe in spirits?  That's ok.  Not too many years ago you wouldn't have believed in cells or microbiology either.

  5. hahahahahahahahaha.,ommmmmmmm hahahaha arghhhhahahaha there a laughing guru in india and as long as your not laughing a choping your fingers of its fine..

    dont laugh at others pain of misfoutunes and you should be fine ..  

    but if its incecent ie nonstop the chilling is good chat to somone

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