
Laughing with depression?

by  |  earlier

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I have had bipolar for awhile now and am on medication but at the moment I'm doing extremely bad, probably worse then I've ever been. I've noticed that when I get a bad thought in my head I will sometimes randomly start laughing. What could this mean? Am I going insane?




  1. Don't be afraid to laugh at home.  Ask your doctor if you are laughing at inapprorpriate moments. laughter watching a funny show is different from laughing at your boss in a serious discussion.  Check your sugar intake too. Sugar causes me to have an attitude problem

  2. Go see your doctor. You may need a medication adjustment/change. It seems like your medication isn't working properly (if you're on an antidepressant, you may need a lower dosage; a mood stabiliser may need a higher dosage or a change).

  3. ok, that means ur tryin 2 hard 2 get ova it, n ur brain reacts 2 it like that. u can check with the doctor but i don't think they will do u much it just means that ur trying 2 4get it n make a joke out of it but u barely realise it.

  4. If your laughing bouts are associated with your bad thoughts, it's advisable to go back and see your doc. Your meds might need to be tweaked a little higher or a light anti-psychotic could be added into your medicinal doses. It obviously concerns you and you have been to a doctor re your bipolar, so don't be embarrassed to bring this up. I'm sure you're very strong, but bipolar can take over the best of us even when we feel really well. You dont want your bad thoughts leading to something extremly serious with your only reaction being evil laughter because you will therefore not realise the consequences of your actions.

    Please take care.

    PS. You're not going insane and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You just need a good 'stay well' plan :)

  5. do some cocaine

  6. no. U sound sane to me. But if you think there is a problem just see a doctor.

  7. Omg, haha.

    I was laughing last night because i always post pathetic questions on yahoo.

    And i think im depresed, dont worry, laughing is good isnt it?

  8. It means that it is time to head back to the doctor and see if perhaps you might need the dosages checked.  If the condition has worsened seeing the doctor would be the best thing to do at the moment.

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