
Launchpad "recently played songs" no longer works! Always did, not now. What is wrong? How does it get fixed?

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Launchpad "recently played songs" no longer works! Always did, not now. What is wrong? How does it get fixed?




  1. Tonight (11/7 10pmET) is the first in over a week that I'm able to click on "Recently Played Songs" and get a listing.  What was also happening to me was Yahoo kept repeating songs ini my playlist over and over.

    I hope you now see Recently Played as well.  Good luck.

  2. I emailed support but got the standard canned response: "will respond when we can, we're really really busy right now..."

  3. didn't work for me the last time I was on, a few days ago.

  4. I have been having the same problem for about a week now. I emailed LaunchCast Tech Support and got this response:

    "Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Music.

    Thank you for reporting this issue to us. The music team and engineers

    are aware of this issue and are working to resolve it as quickly as


    Although we can not offer an exact time frame in which this will be

    taken care of, please be assured we're currently looking at the problem

    and hope to have it resolved as quickly as possible.

    We appreciate your reporting this to us -- your input helps us to

    identify ways to constantly maintain and improve our music services.

    Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Music.



    Yahoo! Customer Care"

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