
Laura Bush .. opinions?

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What do you think of her?

Even though bush is probably the worst president ever.. I cant help but love laura.

She just seems so down to earth and makes me feel all warm inside lol kinda like my grandma does.

I just saw how SHE is going to speak tomorrow at the RNC even though the prez isnt.





  1. I love her too.  She seems to be a good lady.  I am so glad that President Bush has her to go home to in January.  I am also very proud that the Republican leadership seem to be taking the correct action with this hurricane.

    I see alot of Dems on Y/A that are happy as can be that the hurricane is coming and  will disrupt the Republican convention.  Also making fun of Sarah Palins baby.  The party of compassion!  Not!

  2. vacuous

  3. She keeps her mouth shut WAYYYYYYYYY 2 much, as a mother she should be standing up for things she belives in.

  4. She is gracious, classy and kind.  If I didn't adore my own mother so much, I would choose Laura Bush.  

  5. i agree why she is with that looser beats me. She even defended Michelle Obama aganst smears from her own party. If was running the Rnc i would rather then gonzo since he is so hated and rightfully so

  6. She is as creepy as h**l and is no different that Mrs. McBush with darker hair. more pudgy, and shorter.

    Also, I don't know what the h**l she is talking about most of the time and I don't think she does either.

  7. Yes, she is a keeper. George was a lucky man. Love Laura, too. George has been given too much credit for all the activities of the corrupt special influence that has been going on in the congress. Every bit of the problems and waste were approved by the U.S. Congress. People will be remembering that if Obama and George Soros take over.

  8. Mrs. Bush is pure class.

  9. She's stupid for staying with the idiot.

  10. Laura=redneck!

  11. There is one word that describes laura Bush.    


  12. i wonder what goes through her mind each night when boy george talks in his sleep?

  13. i like the Bushes very much, both of them, i think they are good people and despite his low ratings , i really dont care if other people like him or not, i do very much and am proud to say so!

  14. Laura Bush for filled her roll as 1st Lady very well.We owe her our thanks

  15. Mrs, Bush should be the icon for the word

    " Lady " which she truly is.

  16. 1. can't make a claim on Bush being the worst president ever while he is still in office, absurd.

    2. Laura is a great person, and I have seen some "people" I will call them, make very rude remarks about her. ( i.e. sleeps with other men )

    She is a great republican and frankly american, that some people can see differently is puzzling and sometimes sickening.

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