
Laura Ingraham called democrats n***s ?

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Does she know that 87% of Jews vote Democrat ?




  1. And your point is ???

    And your % is way off there are a lot more intelligent jews than you think..your % of them being Democrats is stereotyping like i'm black

    so i like watermelon, know what i mean, i'm right your wrong, Laura's right.......................Have a great Night

  2. She clearly doesn't know her history. The n***s were fascists, which means they were fervently right-wingers. They despised liberals, socialists, and communists.

  3. There were never as many real n***s as the number that exist in Laura Ingraham's fevered imagination. Democrats are n***s, Muslims are n***s, her critics are n***s, people opposed to smoking are n***s (are you beginning to spot a trend here?)

  4. and do you know Jews were all about Hitler and helped him rise to power?  people should be careful what they wish for, i think.

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