
Law Of Attraction?

by  |  earlier

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the law of attraction obviously works and if your wondering what that is it is if you are positive and believe u want something and you will get it youdo, neggativity gets you no where and you get what u dont want, like try it out it really works if you start off with something small it has a better chance of happening ex: getting front row parking at a shopping mall ect.

and i really wanna try it out like my aunt she says it works but i wanna try it for myself but i cant think of anything to try it on...i dont drive soo....i need help thnxss




  1. How about wisdom first, so you know what you really want in life?

  2. I know it works. Ive used it to be a straight A student. I never study either.

  3. How about getting an "A" on your next exam?

  4. Try it on a test.  If you want to do well - you will.

    A lot of people think the law of attraction is just wishing for something -and being positive about it - and it coming to be.

    That's not how it works.  You have to GET TO WORK.  If you want something - you positively go after it - KNOWING you'll get it because you are smart enough to do the work it requires to get it.

    I know more than one person who is in debt right now because they truly thought the Law of Attraction worked like Santa Claus does when you are a kid.  It doesn't.

    All it is - is simply having a positive attitude about obtaining a goal - and then WORKING very hard to achieve it.

    Try it out on a test.  If you WANT to do well - you'll study - and then you'll get a good grade.

    If you are being positive and you want a great parking space - even a crappy parking space will seem great - because you have a positive attitude.

    Get it?

  5. It's best to start small.  Maybe you want a new CD or DVD, or maybe a new type of Cell Phone.  Just pick something that you'd like to have.  Don't think about HOW you're going to get it, just that you will get it.  Think about how you will use it and the pleasure you will get while you're using it.  Do this as often as you can.  You may even want to cut out pictures of what you have chosen and place them on your bulletin board or on some poster board.  It's important to imagine yourself with this "thing" as often as possible.  Before you know it, you will have it in your possession.  Then,  pick something else and do the same thing. Each time choose something a little bigger than the last time.  As you gain faith in the process you will find yourself unstoppable.  Most of all, Have Fun.

  6. Yes it does work, cuz i ened up reading your post. ;)

  7. Try with the area which is the most important to your life first.

    Experimenting on the area which is the most important to us usually give me the best results because it's very exciting. Having a very exciting goals is one of the key to success with law of attraction too.

    Here's what I did:

    I want to get more subscribers for my internet business. But I'm suffering and out of marketing methods. So, I set a goal to have 10 subscribers for my business. That sounds very exciting and I will always get too excited when I'm visualizing my goal.

    The Results: I get more than 10 subscribers a day. New marketing methods and idea start flowing in my mind and I actually am very exciting.
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