
Law School Specialty Question

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I am beginning the law school application process and am interested in finding a school that has a real estate law specialty. I am in Texas and have researched the schools in the state, but have not found any further information on this specialty. If anyone could tell me if they know of any schools in Texas (or possibly out of the state) that have this, it would be great. Thank you for the help!




  1. Law schools don't provide specialties. The most you can do is take more transactional classes than litigation classes. Every school will have the kinds of classes you're interested in. Just go to the best school you can, then when you interview for jobs, target firms with strong real estate practices.  

  2. Most schools call a specialty a concentration.  Depending on who you talk to, it can be a good or a bad idea to have a concentration in Law school;  it is not like undergrad and you do not have to pick a concentration.

    The good with a concentration is for it to be on your resume, however, most employers will want to see a transcript anyway and they will see which areas you studied in law school.

    If this is the area you want to practice in, and for most people the first year of law school will change their minds about which type of law they like, you should look at course lists for schools and find real estate courses.

    If you are looking to do transactional work nearly every law school will offer all of the transactions courses you should take (which are basically advanced contract courses.)

    Don't get too hung up on picking a school because of a concentration.  Your best bet would be to go to the best school you are accepted to.

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