
Law enforcement question?

by  |  earlier

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i live in long island, NY

around 1am me and my friends came out of applebees and starting to throw a handball against a closed down shop. a police officer comes by and says 'what are you guys?!' then asked where i live.. then he asked for ID from just me and 1 of my friends (there was about 6 of us there) we handed him ID and he ran it on the computer, probably looking for past records. however our records are clean. then he said dont do anything stupid and left.

my question is, if i said no i didnt have ID on me, is a NY state police officer allowed to search me for ID?




  1. He can ask. You don't have to unless he's arresting you then he can charge you with failure to identify yourself as well.

  2. no but they might. tell them the truth and you will have less problems.

  3. yes they can. the search can be for both you and their safety.they can hold you at the station until they figure out your does not matter if you are a juvenile.the explorer will get you into triuble. you can never just walk away unless you are told to do so. that is why he is just a explorer.

    ----------retired texas deputy sheriff----------

  4. If you have broken a PC code he is.

    If you have not broken a PC code you can just walk away.

    An Officer cannot search you only if there is PC to do so

    Deputy Explorer Gomez


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