
Law of Conservation of Matter/Mass?

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According to the Law of Conservation of Mass/Matter, we say that matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Ok. we also say that matter is anything that has mass and volume. Ok. However, when new organisms are "made," i.e. human population, more and more mass is added and therefore, we add matter; thereby, we actually violate this particular law.

Are my arguments correct?

Please enlighten me regarding this matter.




  1. Have you ever noticed that a pregnant woman eats more than normal?  That extra food is going into the growing fetus.  The matter in the food is broken down and is rebuilt into a baby.  So no, there is no violation of the conservation of mass.

  2. People don't come into existence from nothing! They use food from their mother, and later food from other sources as they grow.

    The food comes from plants and animals, and ultimately from decomposed organic material. Plants use the energy from the sun to use this organic material to grow new material, such as fruits and vegatables, which humans (and animals) eat, to grow.

    But you know all of this, or you should!


  3. You looking at it in the wrong way...matter does not necessarily have to transform to matter of the same type.Humans grow from eating food, which is matter...

    So the law of conservation stil holds...only thing is matter is being transformed...

    Humans that die and decay loose their matter to soil...It's stil matter but it has transformed...Humans that are born gain their matter from food....So the law is not violated...

  4. No, matter is not created/destroyed.  It is merely changed from one thing to another.  A live person becomes a dead person and still has mass, etc. The body rots....still same mass, etc - just in a different shape, etc.

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