I rent 2 garages in a block of 9 down a narrow alleyway off my street. In our town we have no traffic warden and the police seem to let people park anywhere. I reported a car parking across the entrance to the block of garages, at 5pm i was told they would try to trace the owner. at 9pm when i called again and asked for it to be towed as i needed to get access i was told all they could do was issue a parking ticket. I was furious they eventually found the owner and got the car moved and did not even issue them a ticket. since then there has been 3 more vehicles in the past week park across the access at different times but i have given up calling the police. Can the police tow these vehicles should i complain to them agian and insist on towing or is there anything i can do, i have contacted the council to get KEEP CLEAR painted on the road but our road is not up for remarking yet, and i am not sure this would stop ignorant parkers.