
Law or Business degree... help me, please!?

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I'm someone who lives in India. Starting September 2009, I'll be attending college in the USA (dunno "where" i'll be attending, or "what" I'll be majoring in yet).

My ultimate goal is to get either an MBA degree of a Law degree. So, i was wondering what both careers were like. If i go for an MBA, I'll probably choose the field of marketing. If i go for Law, i dunno which field i'll be specializing in or which kind of law I'll even enjoy studying.

I'd love guidance and information about both career paths. I'd also love to hear from other Law or MBA grads who've done it already and have advice for me.

What's it like being a lawyer? What kind of skills and what kind of people do you meet while working? Does it ever get boring?

What's it like being an MBA graduate? What sort of people do you usually come in contact with? What sort of job do you do daily. Does it ever get boring?

About me: I consider myself a social person. I like to meet new people, i also love to talk to new people. If i work at it, i could probably convince people and turn them over to my viewpoint on most subjects. I'm a hard worker, if it comes down to it.

So, please, any help, guidance, experiences you'd like to share with me would really help. Oh, and BTW, What's the LSAT and the GMAT like? I mean, actually taking the examination...





  1. The reason you have not gotten any answers is because the two fields you mentioned are very wide. And I am not sure people know what you mean when you ask what something is like but I will try to give an answer nonetheless.

    Good MBA programs are filled high achievers. Most of these programs only accept people with exceptional grades, high GMAT scores, years of work experience and so on. Business school will expose you to ambitious achievers who typically would go on to do "big things" like holding investment banking, management consulting and middle to upper management jobs.

    MBAs do all sorts of things so it would be hard to tell you if the job ever gets boring. No matter what you do, there will be dull days. Marketing MBAs would typically go into public relations, advertising, sales, brand management and so on. If that's the type of thing that interest you, then you'd really enjoy your career.

    The best way to learn about the GMAT and LSAT would be to do a simple google search to check out some of the sample questions that available on thousands of websites.

    Being an attorney is looked upon with great respect in this part of the world. If you attend a great law school and you get hired by a top law firm, you would make a lot of money. Again, law is a broad field that many books have been written about the life of different types of lawyers. It would be hard to get good insight into the Law profession on yahoo answers. I suggest you visit the list of top law firms here; and visit their websites to read about what they do.

    Having said that, many lawyers don't work for law firms. Some work in the corporate world, some for the government and many many other fields.

    Good luck to you!

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