
Law people, what grades did you get in your GCSE?

by  |  earlier

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please tell me, i want to work in the law industry and for my gcse i got

4 As....6 Cs....2 Ds.

by the way do people in the industry of law get paid well...........




  1. My brother in law recently qualified as a solictior. His starting salary was 45k although if he was working in London it would be more like 100k.

    He got straight A*'s at GCSE, straight A's at A-level and a 2:1 from Oxford University and even then he found it really competitive to find a job after his yes, it pays well, but he often works up to 70-hour weeks and it's extremely competitive.

  2. Hey im only starting uni....i got 8 a's and 2 B's...didnt get an offer from Edinburgh because of my B in english and i wasn't doing it for a level...aslo know some people who didnt get offers for queens(Belfast) law because of their gcses. Diff unis will have diff criteria it just depends on where yer looking to go + whatcha get in your alevels suppose hard.... :D

  3. my m8 is doing law this coming academic year at cambridge - she got 13 A*s!

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