
Law school sit for the CPA exam?

by Guest64777  |  earlier

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I am a current undergrad student majoring in accounting. I am thinking about also going to law school after. Can the classes I take in law school (some type of business law) be used towards my 150 hr requirement? Or would I have to get my masters in accounting and then go to law school?





  1. yes, law school classes count towards 150.  as an undergrad acct major, you probably satisfy all of the acct/business requirements to sit for exam (check specific state requirements to be sure).  if that is the case, it doesnt matter what the remaining 30 credits are in.  

  2. i don't know if you're a UK citizen or not - but I do know that in England some courses can be accredited towards a higher qualification .... however you would be best to have this recognition of your studies confirmed by the educational establishment you want to go to, or the body that accredits the course you want to do .... that way you will you will be sure if what you are presently doing is enough, the right contributing course, or perhaps you might need to change over to a similar but different course to gain the credits .....

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