
Law3at Al 7ob , ie, The Agony of Love is the title of an Arabic movie .does love hurt ? is it agonizing ?

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Law3at Al 7ob , ie, The Agony of Love is the title of an Arabic movie .does love hurt ? is it agonizing ?




  1. thir is no love at all we deceive our self and others by that word

  2. It hurts and it sucks.

  3. Ya it hurts...

    and TRUELY when someone says "Hey thingie..Love jus come like that"...YA true but u have a mind ..u have a brain ..and also u have time decide wether this Love story continues or not....It came ..ok ...But u have the keys to stop it or to let it continue....

    In other words....Love is like a guest who knocks ur door but u have the ability wether to let that guest in or not...

    So plans must be done before u enter that as to be in control....Other wise when things especially in love get out of control then the concequences usually are not good

    It is a very hard question and may be it is hard for some to balance...but u must do so to avoid the unforgiven non forgetable concerquences of love

    A Double edged weapon...

    Then okay....Love with Both ur heart and mind...but don't let ur HEART OVER CONTROL IT..Cuz i think u don't wanna those bad concequences...At least u will get a "Broken Heart"

    Plus no way for broken hearts....

    Plus something wanna say ...LOVE differs from an area to another

    Here in egypt and in all arab countries an idea that i respect and like it...Love means marriage means responsibility and means a lot of things...SO watch out where ur feet gonna step....U wanna that go and get it and beware of ur actions and concequences

    But in America and Europe ...Love there is Costless....Jus cost nothing...they take what they wanna from each other and that's it and may be they leave each other after....

    The definition of love varies from a culture to another ...from an indiviual to another....from a way of thinking to another

    That's it

    Am done

  4. hello

    law3a is not hurt

    law3at el7ub means different than hate

    you sure must ask pple who loves

    its that feeling which you might feel missing the person while he is sitting next to you expecting that in hour or two .day or two .year or two he might go to work or to be not sitting next to you

    its that law3et el7ub is while you are in love with the person and he is exchanging that with you

    hurt is different story its once one side goes less motivated

    his motive decline he might be still in love but have too many things over mind or he just do not care

    if the story of the film is of different than what i stated that does not say that i m wrong it only says that it is a film and they should have a title

    to those who deny the existence of love i partly agree with them yes there are some who have different names of things but their priorities deceives them in other words some one might think of love as the act of making love so he goes running after that were he finds it and then get to conclusion there is nothing called love

    others look at it differently that he can never made love to some one he do not love thats is one of reasons that we see so many that failed in sexual relation with strangers that they hardly knew

  5. in my opinion love hurts ppl who want to deceive themselves, ppl who doesn't love themselves in the first place. and just punishing themselves by loving someone who doesn't love them back. and they go for a more emotional and moral blackmail of "I love you, why don't you love me back"..

    love is so so different from obsession. obsession is a psychological disorder.

    however they can not figure it out until they fall in a mutual love relationship and feel the gift of being in love with someone who love them back.

    another kind of agony is being in communication issues that arise through the relationship between both partners through their interaction. and so they need to figure out that they need an enough time to explore each others well, and by knowing each other their love feelings strengthen or weakens.  

  6. yes love hurt but its the hurt you enjoy i mean its a part from love hurt is part of our life but some hurt u enjoy and some hurt is really hurt  

  7. Yes hurts so much twice, once when u fall in love n try to make ur lover happy wi betegy 3ala nafsek keteer and the other if u fall out of love.

  8. yes, sometimes it get really flammable..

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