
Lawn HELP!!?

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I sprayed round up on my lawn which is a couple of months new. I did it to kill the weeds, now I've notived light brown colored patches. I'm afraid and freaking out cuz i think i killed my whole freaking lawn.





  1. sorry to tell you also burn your grass. don't worry it only will damage the parts that you sprayed. The best thing is to remove the piece of grass that are dead and plant new ones and add fertilizer and lots of water.

  2. Thank goodness its Bermuda. It may look dead for awhile but it will come back. It takes 3 applications of round up during a growing season 2 kill it out. If then. So just don't do it again and it will be ok. Keep up with watering it as if it were alive because the roots are what will bring back the green. As far as weeds go. 24d woulda been a better choice or for the best choice of all....nothing kills weeds better than a healthy lawn. Fertilizer, water,sun and frequent close mowing with good sharp blades preferably a reel mower. (Turf manager).

  3. Round up does kill grass but only the spots you sprayed so don't worry your lawn is not entirely damaged. What you will need to do is dig where those patches are brown and dig around half a foot to ensure the cantamination is fully out. Then add some nice black earth and grass seed. Water, water water is the key to growing those seeds. For the future use a lawn fertilizer that killes weeds and fertilizes your lawn as well this will make it green and anti-weed.(Scotts Weed'nFeed) Good luck

  4. Everything you sprayed is dead.

    Sorry to break the news.

    But the weeds are dead too so start over and remember Roundup is a NON selective herbicide... it doesn't discriminate.
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