
Laws and priveledges question?

by Guest31889  |  earlier

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just moved to tha USA this sunday and im 18

and i want t know about my state laws and priveledges

i live in FL

what can i do ?

vote ?



can i legally move out ?

wat can i do and wat are the laws and police enforcement

-i was born nov.12.1989




  1. voting is a right reserved for the citizens of the us, you cna smoke and move out most clbs are also bars and some states require that you be 21 to enter a bar. we have a lot of laws in this country your local police can answer a lot of questions

  2. if you are a legal citizen and are registered to vote, than yes you can.  yes, you can smoke. you will me able to get into some clubs, but most are going to be 21 and over. also, you can not drink, you have to be doesn't it?

  3. Can't drink

    Can't vote unless your a citizen

    You can smoke

    You can go clubbin (but no drinkin)

    You can legally move out.

    Also No one not even lawyers know all the laws in the US.  The laws mostly follows commonsense but quite often there is pure BS.

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