
Laws for adopting Babies from China. Please only serious answers please?

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ok here is the deal. My wife and I want to adopt a baby from china. She is indonesian/chinese and I am american(chinese speaker) and we have been married for 5 yrs now. She works for Chase and I, Wachovia.

Ok so everyone knows and understands that for some reason it costs an arm and a leg to adopt.

Now is there a way to go through the adoption agencies through China and not have to go through the hassle and garbage of the US adoption rules and agencies?

I mean we are ready to pluck down the money regardless but does everything have to be done through the US or can we adopt from China and bring over a baby to the US?

Please do not slander me for wanting to adopt a chinese baby. We are not doing it for a tax break, nor are we doing it because it is something we had seen on tv. I am for one in love with the chinese cultures(hence speaking the language) and my wife is part chinese. It is just something we want to do.

And we are just oblivious of the laws. So I guess this




  1. You must complete the adoption requirements of your home state and the adoption requirements of China.  In addition, there are more requirements imposed by the USCIS for bringing the child into this country.  You can not adopt a child without going through all of these paths.

    Your first step is to make sure you meet the requirements to adopt from China (income-atleast $10,000 per family member, including the child to be adopted and there is also a net value requirement; age-both parents must be 30  years of age, marital status-married for a certain number of years, depending on whether either of you have a prior divorce and there is also a limit on the number of divorces that can be in your past, etc.).

    Because your wife is part Chinese, you may be able to complete the process quicker than other adopters.

    I wish you the best!

  2. why dont u just have kids  i think its great your adopting

    i dont the laws but if yu go to china and adopt then move back then that should be fine

    good luck

  3. There is no way around the rules; you would have to meet all of the China adoption criteria. As far as just adopting from China directly, one of you would likely have to be citizens in order to do that. Otherwise it’s an international adoption.

    This link list all requirements couples have to meet in order to adopt.

    Good luck I’m sure you will be fine parents, since your so fascinated with Chinese culture your child will be able to know a lot about her (or his) native country, not to mention maybe able to speak and read the Chinese language which is not the case for most  kids adopted from another country.

  4. No I dont believe that there is any way to go around the US Goverenment as you are bringing another human into the country and all of the correct paperwork has to be filed and approved in order for that to happen! I have 4 adopted cousins from china and we are all so lucky to have them in our lives!   And dont listen to all the haters who are agaisnt adoption. It is a truely beautiful thing! I was adopted and I myself am looking to adopt from russia so I am trying to prepare for thsoe upcoming fees but its not impossible! Good luck!

  5. Is your wife a Chinese citizen, or an American of Chinese descent?

    If you are both US citizens and wish to bring the child back to the US, I believe you will have to go through the the process on both the US and Chinese sides. (I hesitate to call it "hassle and garbage," though.)

    If you are concerned by the financial aspects, be sure to check with your employers about adoption assistance benefits. I've seen both Chase and Wachovia listed as companies who provide either financial assistance or time off for families who are adopting a child.

    You might also want to visit some other web sites for more information. is a good place to start. (The founders both adopted children from China.)

  6. The "hassle and garbage of the US adoption rules and agencies" AKA Government Policy/Procedure and laws that help eliminate illegal baby selling are put there for a reason.  I also do not think you are the first person who wants to go around the system to make things cheaper and easier for you.  Sorry but if you area US citizen and you want to continue to live in the US AND still want to do an International adoption then you MUST have a Home Study completed specifically for International Adoption.  You also MUST have many other forms completed for the China Republic (things that THEY require).  THEN after you adopt the child from China you will have to adopt the child in the US so they can become a US citizen.  

    If you ALREADY feel that this is a "hassle" and yo uhaven't even started yet then I would suggest you wait awhile when you have more time and dedication to adopting a child in general because it "as a whole" is a huge committment and lots of matter where you decide to go.

  7. Move to China

  8. My parents adopted four children from Russia and I know of several people who have adopted from China. Unfortunately there is no way of going around U.S. rules when it comes to adoption because you are bringing a child in from out of the country. All those that I know who have adopted have gone through Christian adoption agencies and have found the process and experience to be a good one. I would suggest that whatever your faith. You may want to start with one of these agencies.

  9. Please check out the website

    There are many who have adopted from China that will be able to answer your questions or point you in the right direction.

    I think the short answer to your question is no.  You will have to go through a US agency to adopt from China.

  10. You can't go through just the Chinese (or any other foreign country) adoption process and not do the US side.  You need to follow the steps in order to bring the child to the US.  

    I don't know if you can do independent adoptions in China, but generally speaking, it's risky to do independent adoptions overseas.  

    I don't judge anyone for their adoption choices.  Good luck to you and your family.

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