I was making a Uturn, the guy in front of me tried to make the u-turn as well, but couldn't make it so he went into reverse and hit the front of my car, bending the hood and knocking my somewhat loose.
I got his plate number, make, color, and a description, before he sped off, and another couple who I didn't know pulled over and had the same info, gave me their business card/info. I am only 22 and have never been involved in anything like this, and so stupidly I drove home about 1/2 mile away and called the police, who told me to drive my car in to file a complaint. I filled out the paperwork, described the incident, listed witnesses and the guy's license plate and info.
The officer told me that there wasn't a lot that could be done, and that the form would only go to insurance because I didn't sit and wait for an officer to come. I feel really stupid now, but I figured since it was only a fender bender I should call it in.
Anyone have some insight/info or similar experience?