
Laws regarding hit-and-run fender bender in Indiana?

by  |  earlier

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I was making a Uturn, the guy in front of me tried to make the u-turn as well, but couldn't make it so he went into reverse and hit the front of my car, bending the hood and knocking my somewhat loose.

I got his plate number, make, color, and a description, before he sped off, and another couple who I didn't know pulled over and had the same info, gave me their business card/info. I am only 22 and have never been involved in anything like this, and so stupidly I drove home about 1/2 mile away and called the police, who told me to drive my car in to file a complaint. I filled out the paperwork, described the incident, listed witnesses and the guy's license plate and info.

The officer told me that there wasn't a lot that could be done, and that the form would only go to insurance because I didn't sit and wait for an officer to come. I feel really stupid now, but I figured since it was only a fender bender I should call it in.

Anyone have some insight/info or similar experience?




  1. As a traffic collision investigator, I'm concerned that your local law enforcement agency isn't following up on the suspect information you provided.  The two best things to have is a good license plate and being able to identify the driver of the other car - either by photograph or in person.  True, most counter reports are for auto insurance companies (like mose police reports these days), but if you have good suspect info and the witness's contact info, then a traffic detective should do a basic follow-up.

  2. The cops are full of BS.

    Hit & run is a serious charge. It sounds like they don't want to get involved & do their job. Call the State Police & tell them what happened.

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