Maybe Hillary really is the winner!
A lawsuit was just decided claiming proof that Obama was never an American Citizen. He was actually born in Kenya according to court papers. Some of his relatives will testify to that fact.
Apparently this motion is just the start of the lawsuits as it move up the judicial ladder.
Mary Brandenberger, a spokeswoman for the Federal Election Commission, knew about the suit, but said the FEC could not comment on any ongoing litigation.
I think this may be the reason we saw them trying to suppress any indication that Obama has any connection to Muslims and the hate-America mentor he had in church. With his wife only the first time she was proud of America when he run, it makes you wonder how many skeletons they may have in their closet.
Hopefully if he isn't an American citizen it will because his mother never told him. We know how illegal Mexicans run across the border towns to have their babies in America... many times having them in hospital parking lots, so you can't really blame her is it is true.