
Lawyers only plz?

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I am in the middle of moving

from one apartment to another.

I arrived at my apartment tonight

to move more things when I walked

in the door, I noticed all of the lights

were turned out. I left them on

so I could see when I walked in.

My landlord or one of the maintnence

guys turned them out. I thought

they could not enter without notice.

What can I do about this?




  1. I'm not a lawyer, but I do know a lot about renters rights ( I have studied rental realestate).In all fairness they should stay out, but somewhere in your lease should there is more that likely a statement giving them to right to enter the property at any time with or with out notice to you. Double check your lease and all of the fine print. If you do not have a leases then they can do almost anything they wish.

  2. I'm not a lawyer but there really isn't anything you can do.  Yes, it is still your apartment and you're lease or the tenant landlord laws in your area probably say they have to give you 24 notice, BUT, you have to prove that your landlord or the maintenance guy was in the apartment and then you have to prove damages.

    Even if you get them to admit they were in the apartment, they could easily claim it was an emergency type situation -- they were checking on the sound of running water or some such thing.

    Finish moving out.  Take pics and make the landlord or his agent do a walk thru with you before you turn the keys in.
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