
Laxatives?or not?why is this wrong plz tell me i need to understand,?

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Why this is wrong in diet?

i try to eat good food and i m under weight because i drink after every meal or 2 meals at least (flax seed,acidophiles,chamomile,and sometimes mint tea and green tea* and that makes me go to the bathroom add to this i drink lots of water and work out *mostly cardio*

MY BMI is about 16 but i always feel out of breath ,*i rarely take laxatives *when i binge and i rarely do that binging before periods*i still have periods though they are irregulars *

is this doing any harm to me?tell me <is it like using laxatives*

i spend time of my life skipping meals or eating one kind of fruit through the day

but now i try to do better




  1. laxatives are used for constipation, so if you cant go and you need too use them, eat regular, little and often and stop being so paranoid about your weight, relax! your out of breath because your tired and need energy. go to the doctors and get a blood test, and start understanding how to eat properly and looking after yourself  

  2. I think you need help. go see your doctor and tell him every thing you have written.

  3. Its hard to understand what your asking!!!

    How old are you? BMI of 16 is low but this may be due to your age.

    Being underweight and doing excessive exercise can make your periods irregular. If this is causing you concern visit your Doctor for a check up and support.

    Do you drink water/tea to stop you from getting hungry? Do you take laxatives to lose weight?

    If this is the case it sounds like you have some sort of eating disorder. I would advice that you speak to an adult or a Doctor.

  4. You are doing serious damage to your health, you need to admit you have a problem in order to get help to get better the laxatives should only be used in short term for constipation and not in order to loose weight. There are organisations to help people who have difficulties like yours or information on the net you could look up to help you realise what you are doing to yourself

  5. You are underweight, like you said. You do not need to loose weight, you do not need to use laxatives, you do not need to do loads of cardio. If you have a BMI of 16 you need to put on weight rather than loose it. It&#039;s good you realise you are underweight, and it is good you are concerned about whether you are causing any damage to your body. Well done for being aware, because I think you do need some changes to your eating patterns. A professional may be able to help you further.

    Laxatives can do harm to you. Especially regular use. Your use sounds pretty often, and this is where you may find a problem. Because you are not allowing foods to go through your digestive system properly parts of your digestive system may shut down. This can cause longer-term problems, and generally isn&#039;t healthy.

    I suggest seeing a doctor and talking it over with them. They will be able to explain it all better, and if needed they will recommend you go to a consultant/psychologist/nutionist etc. Trust them with your health - it&#039;s what they are trained at!

    For now try and cut down on the laxatives, and treat yourself! No food is bad, you just need the balance right. Make sure you consume around the recommended 2000 calories, and with some regular light excerise your body should take care of yourself.

    I know making these changes can be hard, both lifestyle wise and mentally. You may put on weight, but try to understand this is good. A healthy BMI means you have a healthier body. This will mean your periods will be more regular (so if you wish to have a child chances of concieving are higher - even if this is years away still try to have a healthy body now throughout life). Everything about your body will be healthier and that should be a very important thing.

    I wish you all the best, take care and keep strong, xx

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