
Laying Turf?

by  |  earlier

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I just bought some turf and was wondering how easy is it to lay




  1. As well as following all the other good advice given by people here, you should also do what professional layers do, which is to bring all the edges of the turves together so that they look like an upside-down open book - in other words, don't just butt them together edge to edge, but allow a tolerance.  If that's hard to visualise you'll appreciate what I mean when you consider that it's to stop the individual turves drifitng apart when they settle and shrink slightly - as they inevitably will.

  2. Reasonably easy.

    Start by ensuring the site has been raked to a tilth,large stones,perennial weeds and debris .


    Ensure it's fairly flat,filling any hollows.Stand on a plank,work backwards,laying the turf to a batter(i.e staggered).

    Using a sharp edging tool,or spade,trim turfs to fit.Brush soil into any gaps,lightly but firmly tamp the turfs down onto the soil with the back of a spade.

    Keep well watered until the grass is obviously growing.Just tip the grass,with the mower on its highest setting for the remainder of this summer.

    Apply an autumn weed and feed dressing in the fall and your new lawn should grow away!

  3. Hi!

    It's dead easy as long as you make all the necessary preparations beforehand!

    Best of luck!!

  4. It's not really difficult to do. Make sure the area where you want to lay it is even, and that the turf is put down in straight lines. Keep it well watered if the weather is dry.

    Lay one line of turf, then when you lay the next line, stagger them a bit so all the joins aren't in the same place.

    Good luck.
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