
Layouts are all wrong with the new format. Things are not properly aligned?

by  |  earlier

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It seems that all formatting has gone to pot with the new screens. How do I correct this?




  1. You can't.  MyYahoo's team management decided to force the version change on everyone, and removed the ability to choose to stay on the older (better) version.

    They are forcing this change univerally, even though it is obviosly not well-tested and they are ill-prepared for so many complaints so quickly.  Change for the sake of change.  I'm sure it is better for THEM - just not each of US lowly users.

    My suggestion is to STOP USING MyYahoo completely, until they fix these many bugs and re-allow USERS to choose the old version until the new version more reliably fits our individual needs.

    Vote for CHOICE.  Vote for better testing.  Send the MyYahoo team a message.

  2. well: according to "MY Yahoo ! myspace is My Answers Yahoo! Products  sometimes Has Problems with Service

    and yes that needs corrected by Internet Browser Tools &

    Options also they have Help located in Bookmarks but


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