
Lays: Salt and Vinegar?

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I was eating a bag of Lays Salt and Vinegar ones today, and they made my tongue sting. What I'm wondering is how bad are they really? As in will they cause any sort of irritaion in my stomach or is my stomach lining just tough enough to withstand it?

Keep in mind that I'm not a biology oriented person, so keep your answers simple.





  1. Those things are really strong. Just eat a few at a time. I hope they don't make them weaker though. I like them strong. They get my mouth too.Just take it easy and savor them one by one.

  2. Vinegar is actually a diluted acid solution (aectic acid).  It stings because the acid irratates your mouth, and the salt magnifies the sensation.

  3. You mite have a sore on your tounge and you got salt on it

  4. they're somewhat acidic b/c vinegar (acetic acid) has a pH of about 5, i believe

    don't eat too many. besides, they're kind of nasty anyways. but lol, no, it's not eating away your stomach lining. stomach acid has a pH of about 2 so i think a pH 5 food will be quite all right

  5. yum, I looooooove salt and vinegar chippies!!!

    I dont think its the salt and vinegar in chippies that are bad for you though.  There's plenty of other bad stuff in them. In fact i think a good hit of salt and vinigar is quite good for you if you don't have too much.

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