
Laziness or carelessness; what's destroying the atmosphere?

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I'm not a "tree hugger" or an earth day freak, but I do have concerns about what's going on with the atmosphere these days. I never realized what a serious issue the destruction to the ozone layer has become until I saw Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth" (which by the way, if you haven't seen it, rent it!) I'm just curious about how others feel towards what's going on with the environment. Do you think it's a case of laziness, or a case of carelessness that's destroying the world we live in. Are you worried about what could become of it, or could you really care less because by the time something bad DOES happen, you probably won't be walking this earth anyway. Please be honest and detailed. I'm not trying to be judgemental, just very interested in your personal opinions. If you know any other crazy incidents going on with the world today that weren't mentioned in that movie, let me know in your response. Thanks!




  1. Nothing is destroying it. Just pompous politicians trying to make a buck off of your fears.

  2. Carelessness is destroying the environment and the atmosphere.

    There are laws governing the use of CFCs and we know they are bad for the environment and cause the ozone hole. The laws ban the use of CFC's in the United States and in most of Europe, despite the fact that we know about the damage and have replacement chemicals for CFCs, these chemicals are still widely used in the third world, it is the carelessness of producers of CFCs that is still slowing the healing of the ozone hole. (the ozone hole is set to heal within 80 years)

    When it comes to the destruction of the environment, many states and the federal government do not have strict laws preventing the dumping of lead, copper, cadium, lithium, mercury, and other dangerous metals into landfills. The proof is sitting right next to you, computers are not limited to certain materials and most people dont know about recycling programs so such items still end up in landfills, spilling its poisonus gut into the ground. Other noticible damages include the lack of recycle bins in certain areas as well as lack of awareness. Some people still link ozone depletion with global climate change, which is a misconception.

    To help deal with these problems you can:

    change a light! switching to CFC bulbs can decrease your carbon output as well as your electricity bill!

    Give your water heater a hug! Wrapping your water heater with a specially designed blanket (avaliable for 25$ or less) will decrease the amount of heat dissipated and reduce electrcity use.

    Hang up your clothes to dry, by doing this you reduce 90% of the carbon emissions produced by washing your clothes

    Open a window! On many days the temperature outside of your house is milder than inside, by doing this you can decrease the use of your AC (close your windows when the AC is on)

    Walk more or take the bus, riding with other people reduces the amount of cars on the road and therefore the carbon emissions, also decreases traffic!

    other ways avaliable at this site::

    I apologize for my long response as I am very concerned with such topics, but I do hope you take the time to read it and perhaps do your own research as well.

    Thank you for your time.

  3. Laziness on the part of people who for over thirty years of clear-cut warnings, have let the problem slide and say they aren't "tree huggers". They SHOULD have been tree huggers all along. The rest is due to greed, not carelessness. Since Thomas Edison, there's been a wanton, "who cares? I ain't gonna be around" plunder by an elite who control all of our energy sources. The Earth is going to be utterly ruined by those men unless people in all lands come to see energy as something that belongs to everyone, and is everyone's responsibility. See also the film with a funny name but the most lucid description of the consumer's role in the problem: "Advertising and the End of the World". Extraordinary film.

  4. Both laziness and carelessness.

    Not everybody, but a few of them that really s***w it up for the rest of us.

    I don't really care. I probably won't be around.

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