
Lazy Eye Surgery?????????

by  |  earlier

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hey everyone.

i have had a lazy eye all my life i am not 17 and it has never been treated.

i have lost alot of sight init now its not blurry or anything its just very weak.

i was thinking about having surgery but i wanted to know more about the surgery.

does it give you sight back that you have lost?

is there any chance damaging your eye further?

and how long does it take?

if anyone could tell me if they have had it and if they got any sight back in their eye?

also would wearing an eye patch over my good eye for an hour a day do anything to my lazy eye?

thank you sooo much





  1. My son also had one, I had him checked out at about age 7 and the specialist said it was best to leave it be.

    I would highly recommend you see a eye specialist  you may need eye correction its not a big operation.

  2. As another poster said, if your eye is turned in or out, surgery will fix that.  It will not help the vision.  At 17, there is probably not much sight that you can gain back with patching/vision therapy because the eye is pretty much developed.  I know that sounds terrible.  I recommend going to an optometrist and having an exam.  Sometimes people self-diagnose themselves with lazy eyes because they have one eye that seems "weaker" than the other.  So I would make sure you do in fact have a lazy eye because you might correct all the way down to 20/20 in both eyes with a prescription.  Even if you don't get down to 20/20, with glasses or contacts you might be able to get close.  But, you need to have an exam so you will know what your options are.  Good luck!

  3. i have a lazy eye. i used to wear a patch all day every day in 1st grade. it helped, but when i stopped wearing it, it just got back to how it was before again. my dad got the laser eye surgery, and hes fine. i think you have to go in a couple times though, but im not sure. basically, they just hold your eyes open for like half an hour or so and it doesnt really hurt. but i think its like laser hair removal where you have to go in for a couple sessions.

  4. Having the surgery will not help the vision in the lazy eye, it will only straighten it if it isn't aligned properly. To get the vision back you will need either vision therapy or patching your good eye to make your weak eye work to see. Patching for an hour a day isn't going to do much good. My daughter has a lazy eye, it was diagnosed at age three, and we had to patch starting at 5 hours a day. The younger you are to catch it, the easier it is for the brain to adapt and the eye to correct. You need to see an Ophthalmologist who specializes in lazy eyes to determine if there is much that can be done now, I'm sorry.

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