
Lazy Tortoise..?

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I have this 2 tortoise at my home...

the one is as big as my hand..(anyway, i am 15)

The other is as big as a baby's hand.

This big tortoise is VERY lazy, she likes to close her eyes and i hardly seen her walking or crawling..

bcoz of her laziness, the smaller tortoise often got stuck under her and can't breathe...

what should i do to kick out her laziness?




  1. If the tortioses are that different in size than I would separate them until they are better matched. As for the laziness, is your tortiose getting the appropriate lights, and does she have enough room?

  2. what kind of tortoise do you have?

  3. one time a day just pick her up and bring her outside let her be free and eat grass and plants.  then put her back in. after that when she is being really lazy, pick her up and move her over to a different spot in the cage.
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