
Lazy eyes.... embarrassing?

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I have a very slight lazy left eye (which is hardly noticeable) but when I've had a couple of drinks- even just a little tipsy- I totally lose control of both my eyes, even though I can still see properly! It's really embarrassing as several photos have came about of me when on a night out. Anyway in which I can help straighten them?..... not drinking is not optional lol




  1. I too have this problem, the lazy eye. I have to wear spectacles with a prism in it, and I'm currently waiting to see an eye specialist to get it corrected.

    You may need to get prisms put in to your specs.

    Good luck.

  2. wear your glasses when the pictures are being taken :)

    then it wont be so noticableee.

  3. you need eye exercise... spend 1/2 hour a day just execrising the eyes my following and focusing on moving objects... traffic for example.

  4. My bf used to have lazy eye when he was kid (or so he says), and he had to wear some patch over his eye..the other eye not the lazy one...this way he gets to use it and learn to focus and control it. I know when u are gown up this is kinda embarrasing but you can wear it at home or sth. I don't know what other ways they have but I am suer this can be fixed so go to a doctor ;)

  5. try to drink less...or increase ur self control....

    hav more control on ur eyes...........

  6. Do they slip in, or out?

    Out (exophoria/exotropia) is more common with short-sighted people.

    Wearing your Rx, if necessary as contacts, would usually help, and eye exercises may, for some people.

    It's NOT a lazy eye if they just turn sometimes but otherwise have good corrected vision.  A lazy eye is something else: amblyopia, often found in eyes that have a turn, but a separate issue.

    At university, we had a professor whose eyes were perfectly straight unless he'd had a few, when one gradually slipped nearer and nearer his ear.

    We considered it his "fuel gauge", going from "empty" to "full".

  7. I have a lazy eye, my right one, I wear contact lenses, it stops the eye wandering off to see what the left one is up to!  If you don't need corrective lenses, try some eye muscle strengthening exercises

  8. The term 'lazy' is a bit of a misnomer and often gives the wrong impression.  This defect is caused by the occidental muscles - the top and bottom ones - not exerting an equal force on the eyelids.  The occidental muscles facilitate blinking but where one is stronger than the other, the natural position of the lid is closed to some extent rather than having a fully open eye.  The degree of difference in the power shows in the extent of the so called laziness.  Contrary to popular belief, watching and focusing on moving objects will have no effect on lazy eyes - the muscles moving the eyes play no part in the eyelids and focusing is a reflex action, no muscles involved in this.

    The answer is indeed eye exercise - but you need to strengthen the occidentals - rapid, continuous blinking is the answer.

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