
Lazy leo gecko?

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my leopard gecko, Leo is really lazy, shes been lazy sinse her tail fell off about last yr. her tail only has two rows of bumps until it hits the regrown part, and now she looks like a fat taild gecko, will it grow longer than it is? anyhow is something wrong with her, or did she just become a lazy gecko? (NOTE: vegas albino gecko, HAD red eyes. HAD)




  1. It probably needs some friends.  We rescued one leo from a shelter and she was very "lazy".  Once we got her some companions, she was much more active.  Our three (2 female, 1 male) get along great and are very active.

  2. Remember leopard geckos are nocturnal so if she's lazy during the day that's why.  See if she comes out at night when the lights are turned off if she doesn't come out then something may be wrong.

  3. I agree with Lucy about the lazy thing.  As far as the tail, my daughter rescued a leopard gecko a few years ago and he had lost his tail before we got him.  He also looks like a fat tailed gecko...unfortunately, when they lose their tails, they never fully grow back.  And be very careful it doesn't happen again..they will only regrow ONE tail!!  Chances are, if it's been a year since it happened, his tail has grown back as much as it's going to.

  4. Nothing is wrong with your Leo as along as it eats well and you give it its vitamins(dusted foods). The tail will probably not grow back fully and sometimes they do but they never look the same and they're always "fat" looking. I have 1 particular gecko of my small collection that is very lazy but as soon as the crickets go in, she runs around like crazy hunting them down. So dont worry to much about it but you could offer it less foods slowly so it loses a little weight if your worried if its becomming to fat, but its good for females to be fat for breeding/egg laying reasons.

  5. stress
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