
Lazy right eye?

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This morning my 8 month olds right eye was cross eyed 'looking' at the tear duct. It only lasted for a few hours and now it's back to normal.

We have noticed her right eye to be lazy in the past but it never lasts long and she usually does not have it...especially when we go to the docs.

My husbands sister has a lazy eye when she was a little girl and it corrected itself so hopefully hers will too.

Does anyone know why a child may have a lazy eye one moment and not the other?




  1. My daughter started crossing her eyes at around 9 months, at first it was intermittent, but it started happening more and more often.  We took her to a pediatric ophthalmologist and she was diagnosed with accomodative strabismus - basically, she is far sighted and so has to cross her eyes in order to focus.  That's why the crossing doesn't happen all the time.  

    My daughter is now 21 months and has been wearing glasses since 14 months, her eyes are straight with the glasses, but cross without them.  While her eyes will probably get better with time, it's quite likely that she will always need glasses.

    It's important to get it checked out, especially if she's crossing her eyes more often because then she'll be seeing double and will be at a high risk for developing lazy eye.

    Take some pictures of your daughter with the flash on and see if the reflection of the flash is happening at the same place on both eyes.  If not, take those pictures in to the eye doctors with you so that you can show the doctor what's going on since it isn't happening all the time.

  2. it could be very well that she is just tiredd. when her eyes get too tired.. they get "lazy". also believe it or night she might have stress... which is crossing her eyes. but as long as it keeps going away she is fine. dont worry she will most likely grow out of it.

  3. My left eye is lazy and it has an outward drift. It was noticed by some family when I was around 1 years old. That is when I started wearing glasses. I tried the patch ofor probably about 3 years. THis worked for a while but withing the last 8 months it has been getting worse and worse. It aint bad enough to do surgrey but I notice it. My eye dosen't turn all the time but it does when I'm looking at something close up and when I'm tired. Your child could grow out of it and they may not. I think that you should take them to an optomitrist and see what they say.

  4. My sister's oldest son had a lazy eye, and the optometrist prescribed for her to put a patch over the good eye for an hour each evening.  It strengthened the muscle in the lazy eye, because it couldn't 'take a break' and let the good eye do all the work, so to speak.  He wore the patch one hour every evening for one year and it corrected the lazy eye.  This was two years ago.  Now, he's perfectly normal.  No problems with that eye.

    A lazy eye is due to weakened muscles in that eye or one that had rather 'take a break.'  A friend from grade school had a lazy eye, and her optometrist prescribed the patch to correct her eye.  Bless her heart, she had to wear hers all day for a couple months, because her eye was lazier than my nephews.  It's all according to the optometrist's preference or degree of laziness, I suppose.

    My son also has a lazy eye, and it only happens when he's really, really tired and late at night.  Otherwise, it isn't noticeable.  I watch it and the doctor thinks he'll grow out of it, but we have a new appointment with my childhood optometrist to see if the patch will correct his sooner.  His eye doesn't stick all the time, and he may go weeks now without having a problem with it...then there may be a couple nights that it sticks, just for a second, and corrects itself.  

    I hope your little one gets better soon.  God bless you, Hon.

  5. When people have lazy eyes it doesnt exactly have to be all the time .

    She could be crossed eyed 1 second and back to normal the otther. Trey taking her back to the doctor . before you do that you may want to video tape or take a picture of her when her eyes go like that and when you take her to the doctor show him\ her the video\tape of your 8 month olds eyes going like that.

  6. i had it as a child and it always happened when i was tired and looked in a certain direction. 1 eye would always take a longer amount of time to turn than the other. nobody ever noticed it unless they seen me when i was really tired but it went away when i was about 17 but it does still happen once in a blue moon now and again when im extreemly lacking in sleep.

  7. Not any sort of expert on this myself but I checked a site I usualy to go to with medical questions and it has some information you my find useful.
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