So I recently bought an LCD hdtv from B.B. (a sony v4100 series) and the lady there tried to sell me on a calibration service and gave me a little flier that talked about it. I've since already read the stuff on the 'net talking about making the picture more realistic and bla bla bla, but in my opinion, the tv looks great. You have to realize that I'm upgrading from a tube sdtv, so anything looks good to me, but I've done my research and the one I bought was one of the best looking tv's in my price range. So when she tried to sell me on calibration, I was a little skeptical because I didn't and still don't think my tv needs calibrating. However, she also said that because of the high elevation (I live in Denver, CO) calibration would reduce the energy consumption of the tv and also extend its life a couple of years. After searching the 'net for a while, I haven't found anything that even mentions that. So is that really an added benefit of calibration, or was she full of $#!t?