
LeBron James and people views about LeBron James.

by Guest33279  |  11 years, 3 month(s) ago

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LeBron James and people views about LeBron James. What are the details?




  1. LeBron James has never requested a trade. He has never been linked to performance-enhancing drugs. He has never gone to jail for running a dogfighting operation. He has never run into the stands in the middle of an NBA game to separate a fan from his shirt, or been accused of giving insider information to bookies, or been arrested for beating his girlfriend, or signed the Jonas Brothers to a record deal, or put you on hold and transferred you to a guy in India who can't help you, or sold cocaine-shooting semi-automatic weapons out of the trunk of his car. And yet, at this moment, LeBron James is the most hated athlete in American sports. Millions of red-blooded Americans who saw "Pacers 93, Heat 77" Monday night (in Miami!) experienced a visceral joy. I don't mean the hate is unjustified. Or justified, for that matter. I'm not here to judge America's judgment -- heck, I've been quite critical of LeBron myself. But let's pause for a second, put the hate on the stove to keep it warm, and think about this.

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