
LeBron James says Championship rings don’t define greatness: NBA News

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LeBron James says championship rings don’t define greatness: NBA News
LeBron James has deep respect for the senior players of the game. However, at the moment he does not agree with two of the most respected basketball players of all time; Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson.
With the All-Star game approaching, there have been a number of discussions about the present greats of the game. With James in sublime form these days, there has been comparisons of him with Jordan and other former greats of the
But Jordan does not rate James as high as some other people out there. He commented last week that he will pick Kobe Bryant over James because he has more championships under his belt. For Jordan, helping your team win championships
is the most important factor in deciding the worth of the player.
LeBron however is not impressed as he believes that having multiple championship rings on the finger is not as important as you may get carried to the championship wins.
“(Jordan) said he would take Kobe over me because ... five rings are better than one, and the last time he checked, five is better than one. At the end of the day, rings don't always define someone's career.”
James won his sole championship with Miami Heat last year while Bryant won 5 championships in a row with the mighty Los Angeles Lakers in the last decade.
The last year MVP rather fired back on Jordan. He said
“If that's the case, then I'd sit up here and say I would take (Bill) Russell over Jordan. But I wouldn't. I wouldn't take Russell over Jordan. Russell has 11 rings. Jordan has six. I wouldn't do that.”
Magic Johnson did not make a press statement about the issue, but he updated his twitter account, in which he decided to side with Jordan on his assessment of the players. And due to that James has been bombarded with questions
lately after two players who he watched as a kid and were source of inspiration made comments about him.


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