
Lead Poisoning?

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How many times do you have to touch lead to get lead poisoning. Iv touched it about 4 times this week, its lead flashing for houses and im really worried incase i will get lead poisoning off of it. Do you have to touch it for years at a time or a matter of days.




  1. Touching lead will be unlikely to give you lead poisoning. It will only cause problems if you ingest it into your body through mouth or by inhaling lead particles,over a period of time. Wear gloves when handling it and be careful not to touch your mouth after handling it as well, and you should be fine

  2. Over a period of time.  Either by inhaling the dust or consuming the paint chips. Not sure what year it was banned in the US but most now a days it( lead paint) would be found on older painted furniture,homes that haven't been painted in years etc. Landlords are held accountable for it and I would assume a person selling a house would have to disclose the info as well. If in doubt, wash your hands and wear a mask while working around it.

  3. Wash your hands - or wear robust riggers/gardening gloves.

    The most likely way of getting lead poisoning - a low dose which can cause halucinations and other 'behavioural episodes' - is when soldering lead flashing. The lead atoms are breathed in directly in with the smoke.

  4. You would have to ingest the lead. Be sure to wash with soap and water after handling lead.
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