We just received word last week that our sales contract was signed by hud, so now we just have to wait about a week to get it in the mail and try to set up our closing date. However, on Friday, our real estate agent received an email from somebody who deals with MLS (she didn't give me a lot of detail as to who it was), but she said they deal with the upkeep of the HUD homes and don't really have anything to do with the actual bank. Anyway, they said they would have to send three people out to do bids on how much it would cost for them to stabilize the lead based paint in the house, pick who had the lowest cost, get the work done, have it tested and then pass inspection again. They said this can take one to three months. The thing that confuses me, is that on our LBP inspection report, it is listed as nothing being found and nothing needs to be done! I read over it again last night just to make sure. I also looked at a copy of the LBP addendum that we had to sign and send in with our contract, and the HUD manager's initials are on the line next to "lead based paint found on premises. None of this paint is deteriorating" So is this a paperwork mistake? My agent emailed the lady and told her that the inspection shows no LBP and that she will fax her a copy of it if needed. IF this is true, we are going to be fixing up our house after we close in the middle of winter! I hope we don't have to wait that long. Has anybody ever experienced this? I'm in Ohio if that makes a difference. Also, who ends up paying for all of this?