
Lead testing?....?

by  |  earlier

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For the people who already did a lead test in their home, which item did you find contained the most lead?

If lead is so dangerous then why is lead in many of the items people are exposed to?

I searched it and i could not figure out why.




  1. I haven't tried testing every item in our house for its lead content yet i know that lead is present in huge quantities in cosmetic products. For your second question, the answer is simple. Lead despite its toxicity can improve our way of life. you should understand that lead is only fatal at high concentration, in fact very high. Remember that too much of everything is dangerous.

  2. The serious nature of lead as an environmental poison was being realized in the 1960 period.

    Back in the 1950s we were still using lead arsenate as an insecticide on food plants, so little were we aware of its harm. We were still installing lead water pipes 60 years ago, and using lead in solder in water pipes as late as 1980.

    I go into the hardware even today and find lead solder with no warning that it should not be used on water pipes. There are still lots of people blithely unaware of the dangers of lead.
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