
Leak in apartment not being fixed by landlord?

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we've lived in our apartment for 2 years now. and after the first time it rained after we moved in we noticed our son's room was leaking so we told the landlord (who by the way is an a**) he said he'd send the maintenance man to check it out. so about 3 months later and 2 more complaints from us the guy actually sent the maintenance man to look at it. he "patched" it and the next time it rained it didn't leak. then the next time it rained it was leaking again so we told him again that it was still leaking. and we've done this for 2 years now. we're looking for a house and saving our money right now or we'd just move out. but after this tropical storm Fay hit us here i checked his room and was going to put our rain bucket under his leak when i noticed that it's leaking in 5 different places in his room now and the ceiling is bowing down kinda like a bubble and looks like it's going to cave in. well we've moved him out off there and he's sleeping with us and i've moved all his toys to the dry side of his room for now but who can i report this too? and aren't they required to keep apartments up better than this. my husband told them again after it stopped raining that is was leaking still and in more places now and he said well his house was leaking too and every apartment over there was leaking. they've never fixed anything in that apartment since we've been there. and they're supposed to spray once a month for bugs and they never have. we have to pay out of our pocket for that too. the tile in the kitchen was ripping up when we moved in also and it's still like that. nothing we tell him needs fixing ever gets fixed. so i'm fed up what can i do?




  1. I would take pics of everything, and document everything that has happened.  I remember when my parents moved out of a rental house and the landlord tryed to take them to court to pay to have everything fixed in the house when we moved out.  Since they had everything recorded, dated pics and documents when they called the landlord and what he told us, the case never made it to court.  As I have heard time and time again, You have to cover your butt.  But I would check with the local township or even police, there should be something you can do in the mean time until you can move out.....Hope this helps.

  2. Keep track of all of your complaints, phtograph all of it. When you move out in the future, this "A" may try to have you pay for the damage. If you document it all and log all of your calls to him, it may help you get out with fewer problems.  

  3. call the board of health and move out

  4. Why are good landlords so hard to find?  I've had a similar situation.  Like someone said previously, you should keep all of this well documented and report this landlord's hiney to HUD!

  5. The first of the month is right around the corner. Check with local housing authority. Most ordinances will allow you to place your rent in an escrow  account at a local bank to prove that the money is available.

    Send your slumlord a registered letter return receipt requested notifying him that you will be turning that rent money over to him when he has corrected the problem and cite the ordinance that entitles you to do so. You'll have proof you paid the rent on time, as well as proof that he got your letter.

    I'll bet it gets fixed pretty quick after that!

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