
Leaked video shows QB Peyton Manning throwing at aggressive pace -NFL News

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Leaked video shows QB Peyton Manning throwing at aggressive pace -NFL News
Another leaked report around quarterback, Peyton Manning’s workout regimen has disclosed the player’s aggressive football throwing session at Duke University facility.
Some sections of media have cited an independent YouTube video, which they have confirmed to be authentic, showing Manning gearing and throwing football at a rather quicker pace.
The video is reported to have been posted by an anonymous individual who apparently was either in attendance or privy to the player’s practice.
In any case, it takes Peyton a step closer to the recovery from neck injury and further confirms the chance of his return to the professional football league.
The progress has come well within the aims of the player, his family members and other people who matter to him and backed him for the return.
Yet there is no word from the employer, Jim Irsay, as to what decision is he going to come up with before the $28 million bonus payment deadline of March 08, 2012.
Irsay has about three days left to decide if the team would like to have the player back for more seasons.
If the owner skips the bonus date, which is increasingly becoming evident unless he has something surprising, Manning is set to become an unrestricted free agent.
All the developments so far point out at the possibility of Colts exercising their top draft prize option to find Manning’s replacement.
He could be Stanford College’s Andrew Luck or Baylor’s Robert Lee Griffin III – the RG3. The choice of the team will only become clear during the draft season in April.
Meanwhile, the management has preferred to maintain a mum on the developments around the prospects of Peyton Manning.
A number of reports have surfaced indicating consistent progress in the recovery. Some of them have also claimed that the power and strength in the player’s throwing arm is gradually returning to the previous level, and he will surely be able to play football
at original pace.
This should certainly have resolved the worries of Colts’ owner, who is apparently interested in seeing the player hundred per cent in his health and fitness before committing him anything promising.
The impact of all these reports on the owner’s assessment process is difficult to determine as yet.
Jim Irsay has only confirmed talking with the player regularly during the month of February and has not informed of anything else on this development.
The impasse and uncertainty is expected to be clear for good on expiry of the bonus deadline. Meanwhile, all the fingers are crossed.
On release, a number of teams are waiting to pursue signing of the quarterback off the free agency. In the meantime, the player himself has not spoken of options joining another side on the NFL.



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