
Leaking when G-spot stimulated?

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What does it mean when I leak a fluid (from urethra) when my G-spot is stimulated? It is happening as a cause of mere stimulation, BEFORE the point of o****m. Is this "female ejaculate" caused by stimulation of this spot, or is it because this spot is close to the bladder that it is being pressed on?

It's like I feel like I have to pee and then some small leaks. Nothing huge.

Serious answers, please, nothing obscene or disrespectful. This is an interesting medical question.




  1. You are one of the few fortunate women who can ejaculate. That is a REAL turn-on for men. It does come from the g-spot, which is kind of like the female prostate. It is released into the urethra through the Skenes glands and since it does come out of the urethra, it does give you the sensation like you are urinating.

    You probably have a lot of ejaculate in there and that is why it is leaking. If you got with a guy who knew how to stimulate your g-spot till you orgasmed, you would probably really gush a lot of it out and maybe even squirt a little. Just keep a towell under you and have fun.

    I wish I could find a woman who does that.

  2. The Para-urethral Glands produce a fluid which may be expelled during an o****m. I'll let you know that it works for me and here's how:

    1) Relax - Don't just physically relax, but also relax your mind and emotions. Don't think about work, kids, "wetting the bed", making a mess.

    2) Prepare - Have lube on hand in case you need it. Get a few towels (one to lay on, and one bunched up between your legs). Make sure that there are now distractions. Get comfortable. If you get stimulated by music, candles, scents, p**n, lights out, vibrator, d***o, etc... get it ready. Lastly, go pee (you'll see why later).

    3) Technique - The technique for a partner and for yourself is similar, I'll write about the self method since everyone can do this. If there is a partner, you can teach them once you know how everything works. Also, think on a 1-10 scale for o****m, where 1 is not turned on, 8-9 is when you know it's coming, and 10 is o****m. Start by stimulating yourself in whatever fashion you normally do for masturbation. Once you have gotten yourself up to a 5-6, lie on your back, take two fingers (I use middle and ring) and insert them into your v****a. Bend them up (like you're trying to touch your palm) and 1-2 inches in, you'll feel a spot which feels a bit rougher (similar to the roof of your mouth), it's the Gspot. Explore this spot! Rub back and forth, side to side, in circles. If you prefer, you may use a d***o/vibrator on this area. If you want, play with your clitoris also, as long as it works for you. You will feel a great sensation which some people describe as needing to pee without the bladder fullness. I also feel it deep inside, like in the uterus area. You should also notice that your own lubrication has increased (let the towel get it and don't worry). Once you have gotten to about a 7-8, concentrate on the Gspot (at least this first time). In order to squirt, this will need a lot of stimulation, whether it's speed or pressure. I like holding my fingers in, slightly bent, and moving my hand up and down so my fingers hit the bottom and top of the v****a, stroking the sides and hitting the Gspot. Once you have reached then solid 9 and you are preceding to the 10 of o****m, keep the stimulation going until you are right there, then remove your fingers (or choice of object) and bear down like you are peeing or trying to do Kegel exercises. DON'T WORRY, you are not peeing, it's not possible while orgasming. The fluid expelled will be clear, odorless, slick, not urine. It may dribble out or it may squirt. Your towels should get most and if not, the cleanup is easy. You should fine your o****m goes to 11 now! not only do you have the regular o****m, but the ejaculation, quivering (legs, uterus, whole v****a, bucking hips), and i find that it lasts even longer than normal.

    4) Afterwards - Don't give up, if you don't think it worked or not to your satisfaction, try again. If you have an open minded partner, show them. I have not found any man who thought this was weird or gross. All that I have been with thought it was great and it made them feel manly to give me such pleasure. Also, experiment with the technique, try clitoral stimulation while ejaculating. If you used your fingers, try a d***o. Try a vibrator on the Gspot.

    I hope this works for you. Give it a whirl and let me know.

  3. It's totally normal. It's on the front side of the v****a near the urethra. It's female ***, basically. You are supposed to feel like you have ot pee and ejaculate just before you reach a full o****m.

    edit: wow, why was that word censored. Okay, let me say it differently. It is female com, basically.

  4. Some females do ejaculate during o****m, but not all. It sounds to me like you're leaking urine.  Try emptying your bladder before s*x.

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