
Leaning toy/game/computer for 3 year olds?

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should I buy a computer? should i go with system such as leap frog? what kind of interactive system? what kind of computer? what kind of software/games?




  1. Leapfrog is good, but why not just try story books? There are so many ways a child benefits from reading from a 'real' book as opposed to sitting infront of a monitor. It will be good one-on-one time with you and your child, he will gain so much more from having a human teach him, and it will instill a real love of reading to see someone enjoying a book. There will be plenty of time to get your child 'internetted', let him enjoy his childhood without it being hi-tech.

  2. I also like leapfrog...

    But you can also buy a ton of games that will load onto a pc too.  

    My fav series for my son was JumpStart.  There are also many games for younger children online, sesame street has a page.  You can check just about any of your child's fav shows and there will be a site with interactive learning games for free on the net.  

    Have fun!!!

  3. Most preschools do not have computers in the classrooms because children at that age learn best by using hands-on activities. They learn more by actually using crayons or markers than they do drawing on a computer. That being said, my grandson has been using the computer independently since he was three. He can boot it up, find the website he wants and play the interactive games. My caution to his Mom, and to you, is to limit the amount of time the child spends on the computer. Working alone is a very isolating task and children at this age need more time interacting with friends and adults and developing social skills. If you insist on buying something, I would go with the computer because it is more versatile than leapfrog.

  4. My vote would be for leapfrog at that age.  They have good programs.

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