
Leappad Kids learning ?

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I want to buy the 4-8 year old one for my it worth the £50 price tag for the gift set with 3 books etc?

Thanks alot




  1. i like it. it's fun! My younger cousins enjoy greatly! it tauhgt me alot. it taught me how to read better when i was younger.

  2. Dont buy a new one - they are great but have a look on ebay - currently one about to go for £10 inc postage!! Many of them are still in the box.

  3. both my son and daughter have one they are is well worth the prce tag and with free books as well thats a bargin

  4. my son loves the leappad learning systems he still got his he's nearly 7, you can upgrade the books as they grow and it definately helps with reading. im sure he'll enjoy it even if it does cost you £50.

  5. Yes, but shop around online too, you might find it cheaper.  My 4 year old son and 6 year old daughter both think its fab.  Also, if anyone else wants to buy a smaller gift they can get extra books for it.  Keeps going for years.

  6. OH yeah it is!! Try e-bay though.. You can get it cheaper there sometimes

  7. son is 7 years old and in 1st grade but reading at a 4th grade level....I bought his 1st Leap Pad product when he was a baby. I love it also because it allows me to interact with him while he's "playing" with it. How much is £50 in U.S. dollars? It's been along time since I've been overseas.

  8. yes

    my 4 yeah old daughter got it last Xmas and she thinks that it is brill it has really helped her with her reading

  9. My 4 year old daughter loves her leappad & uses every night, I would say yes its well worth it

  10. The Leap Pad plus Writing is absolutely awesome...Definitely worth the money!  My daughter loves hers!

  11. Well I really rate the v tech game console, the large joystick is brilliant for little hands.  But have also had the leap pad, the kids tend to use the v tech game more though.

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