
Learn to fight online?

by Guest65064  |  earlier

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Is there any way I can learn tae kwon doe or muay thai online without paying?




  1. learning from a video is a bad idea, you dont learn how to do things right. heres an example: your starting martial arts in a studio and your not doing your stances right, your instructor can tell you and help you.... a video cant do that

  2. nope

  3. To be honest, it is a very bad idea to learn martial arts online, out of a book, from a video, really any other way than being taught by an instructor. When you are working with a person, not only can they teach you more, they can also correct you. An online video can't do that. There are many subtleties to martial arts that cannot be just talked about. You can learn moves, but that's not really the same thing as learning how to fight. Working with other people is really the only way.

    Now, books and such things are good for one thing - to learn some things once you already know martial arts. I have experience with Shaolin Kempo Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Wushu Kung Fu, and Jujutsu. My brother, for Christmas, got me a book on jujutsu submussions that are really effective. Because I already know the principles behind them, I am able to learn them and apply them in class. However, it is dangerous to assume that just learning some moves from the internet can make you a good fighter. I've seen a lot of guys get hurt on the street because they thought they could fight.

    Besides, learning at an actual dojo is just so much fun. That's the way to go.

  4. Oh my goodness. It's far more beneficial to take a professional (and I mean professional) martial arts class in person. This way you learn through actually doing the martial art. How can you learn to fight online?

    On-line/videos are not good ways to learn martial arts. You aren't in person with a master/teacher to instruct and correct you and a move may come out horribly misconstrued.

    I suggest you find a true teacher or master in person or at a school to learn martial arts. This way you'll have the benefit of being able to learn in person and know that it's legitimate. Last word of advice is to make sure it's authentic, and not some white-person's martial arts.

  5. Do you want to learn to do things right?  If you try learning by video or books I guarantee you will develop some "bad habits".  You hear athletes talk about these all the time, especially golfers and baseball players, etc.  You'll train your body to do things the wrong way, and it is HARD to correct.  I have some personal experience with bad habits when I was weight training from a book.  It wasn't till I got to college a couple years later that I found out I was doing some things the wrong way.  Professional instruction is the only way to go, if you a serious.

  6. You can not really learn online or by reading.

    In our class it takes some people quite awhile to learn the first kata. Even after they have learned it, it is not fully correct. By the time you get to be a black belt you will have practiced this kata about 10,000 times.

    The actual self defense (fighting) is something that must be practiced over and over again with various partners. It is only by doing that you learn how to react to different situations and decrease your reaction time.
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