
Learning CPR in College

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In college, I always wondered, how they do teach people CPR. I've seen on shows when they use dummies, but in other instances, eachother - but I think that would be very awkward, but I suppose more similar to how it would be in real situations.




  1. You practice some skills on each other- initial evaluation, choking, etc. but most skills on manikins. It would be unsanitary and unsafe to practice rescue breathing or CPR on another person who did not need it.

  2. A real CPR class will have dummies, even better if there are baby dummies because CPR differs between adults and children.  You cannot practice CPR on your classmates because you can hurt already healthy people...think about it....CPR is ventilation (with a mask) and chest compressions....You don't want to pump a heart that is already pumping or hyperventilate lungs that are already ventilating, plus most people who undergo CPR will have brusing of their sternum due to the chest compressions alone.  Perhaps the only thing in CPR you could practice on a real human is checking their pulse and if they're breathing.

  3. At my college, we used dummies, and we had little masks to cover their faces so we wouldn't get sick from each other.  I agree, it would be a bit awkward to practice on a real person!

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