
Learning English: Can I omit the pronoun in this sentence?

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Hi everybody, my name is Brändon. As many of you know, I'm studying English and today I have a doubt:

Many times I get confused because I don't know when I can "omit" the pronoun, I would like you to tell me if I can omit the pronoun in these sentences:

With pronoun:

"we can't be together because we are so different that we wouldn't be able to live together "

With no pronoun:

"we can't be together because are so different that wouldn't be able to live together"

Can I do it?, when can I omit the pronoun?.

Here is another:

With pronoun:

"I'm studying English and today I have a doubt:"

With no pronoun:

"I'm studying English and today have a doubt:"

I thank you so much and hope you answer me. If you see any terrible mistake be sure to tell it to me. Greetings.




  1. no the sentence doesn't make sense without the pronoun


    With pronoun:

    "we can't be together because we are so different that we wouldn't be able to live together "

    With no pronoun:

    "we can't be together because are so different that wouldn't be able to live together"


    With pronoun:

    "I'm studying English and today I have a doubt:"

    or you could always say, "I'm studying english today and I'm having doubts. [I'm=I am]

  2. Oh the joys of the English language, Brandon!

    First example: you cannot omit the pronoun.  

    Second example: you can omit the pronoun.

    You can omit the pronoun in the first example if you say "we can't be toegther because we are so different AND wouldn't be able to live together"

    Also you can say "I'm studying English AND have a doubt (about)..."

    I think the general rule is that if the tense is conditional, you have to add the link 'and' to omit the pronoun.  If the tense is conditional, followed by another conditional clause, you must include the pronoun.

    As is typical in English, I am sure there will be many exceptions to these rules!

    I hope this helps.  

  3. It's not ok in the first example, but is in the second.

    Ok after 'and' and 'but', but not ok after 'because' and 'that'.

  4. It's ok in the second but not in the first.

    By adding the 'because' you are effectively dividing your sentence up into two joined sentences. Therefore when you use because you must restate the pronoun.

    Sorry I don't know the correct grammar terminology to explain better.

  5. They don't make sense without the pro-noun, so I guess you can't 'omit' it :-)

  6. You need the pronoun in the first and it sounds silly without it. You can get away with leaving it out in the second but it's best not to.

    "If you see any mistakeS be sure to tell me. (not 'it to me')

    No hablo español ...(mas falo portuguê pouco)

  7. If you omit the pronoun in these sentences they don't make sense because it is not clear who or what you are talking about. Hope this helps!

  8. You can omit the pronoun in the first example, but not the second. Hope this  helps!

  9. To be correct, you cannot omit the pronoun.  We cannot be together because we are so different that we wouldn't be able to live together is the correct way.  

    On the second one, you can say it either way "I'm studying England and today have a doubt" is gramatically correct, however, to be precise, as you are referring to a doubt about the English you are studying, it would be better to say "I'm studying English and today I have a question", you can omit the second pronoun to read "and today have a question" if you want to.

  10. You cannot omit the "we" or the "I" in those two sentences.  They're needed to clarify about whom you are speaking.  

  11. Just to be on the safe side, you probably shouldn't omit pronouns. (It is incorrect in the first sentence and awkward in the second sentence.) What is your reason for wanting to omit them? To make your English sound smoother? It doesn't, and by plunging into compound sentences with excessive subtleties you only make yourself sound more non-native.

    My advice is to keep it as simple as possible. Good writing is simple, not complicated. I recommend the little book "The Elements of Style" by Strunk and White. Their prescriptions for writing in American English are classic.

  12. You cannot omit the pronoun in the first sentence as it doesn't make any sense at all without it.  It is not grammatically correct to omit it in the second but it does make sense without the 'I'.

  13. "We can't be together because we are so different, we wouldn't be able to live together". A better example is "We can't be together because we are so different. We just wouldn't be able to live together".

    So in example 1 no u cannot, but u can change it round.

    Second example you cannot omit the pronoun.

  14. It is always best to use the pronoun as it makes the reader clear who the writer is referring to, and sounds more like correct English when spoken.

  15. U cant omit the pronoun in both the sentences coz they dont make sense without them

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